So I woke up this terrific morning to with what I found to be my new favorite breakfast food! I don't know how many of you guys eat cereal in the morning, because after the thread I posted on emptees late last night, it looks like most of you some type of alcohol or pancakes! Haha. But if you are a cereal kind of person I urge you to check out Special K's Blueberry cereal! It's delicious! It almost taste like homemade blueberry muffins my mom used to make when I was living back home! Wow, maybe I should go visit my mother for some of those now that I'm thinking about it.
Speaking of breakfast foods, I haven't had cinnamon rolls in the longest time haha, and what brought this to mind is that, every Christmas morning my mom would ALWAYS make cinnamon rolls for my brother and I, and sadly when I was home this year she did not. Bummer.
Another thing that was brought to my attention last night, we should hopefully be able to launch an "official" re-launch date within the next few weeks if everything goes to plan! (crosses fingers). There has been so much planning and hard work going into this re-launch and I cant thank enough everyone that helps me with Offbeat, especially my partners Jake and Ben, who make sure my head is on straight and that I stay grounded. Haha, without those guys Offbeat might be a bit of a disaster right now, considering some of the crazy ideas I've had. So keep checking back, this launch will be here sooner than you know it!
-Brian / Offbeat-