Growing up in the Cleveland area, I always went to local rock/metal shows. I guess you could say I was an inspiring rock star. Good friends of mine would get together and cover Blink 182 songs, day in and day out. Heck I thought we were pretty good, until I found an old demo of ours and was blown away on how AWFUL we were. Haha I still love those guys though, (Matt, Andrew).
But that is way beyond the point of this post! If you have not heard, Blink 182 has announced an official come back. This was taken from there myspace/website...
"Hi. We're blink-182. This past week there’ve been a lot of questions about the current status of the band, and we wanted you to hear it straight from us. To put it simply, We're back. We mean, really back. Picking up where we left off and then some. In the studio writing and recording a new album. Preparing to tour the world yet again. Friendships reformed. 17 years deep in our legacy.
Summer 2009.
Thanks and get ready... "
I don't know about you, but I nearly pooed my pants when that was brought to my attention! The one time I had the chance to see Blink live, I wasn't aloud to because of a History test the next day! Thanks mom&dad! Well I'm as happy as ever because as you can see a new album is in the works, as long as touring!
Here's a little video for you kiddies, that enjoy them as much as I do.
-Brian Offbeat-